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Kick-off meeting in Brussels (October 20, 2022)

(The event is closed to the consortium members, hence no external participants)

Place: North Sweden European Office: Avenue des Arts 11, 1210 St Josse, Brussels.

Time:  10:00 to 16:00, Oct. 20, 2022.


10:00 ~ 10:30 Welcome marks (with coffee and cake)
Introduction from participants
10:30 ~ 11:00 Introduction and presentation from project officer (PO) (Antonios Fysekidis)
11:00 ~ 11:30 Project management
a. Management (deliverables, milestones, review meetings)
b. Time schedule
i. all partner meetings (consortium), at least 9 times, each partner will host at least once
ii. WP meetings (on-demand)
c. Portfolio activity (information from EIC PMs Francesco Matteucci and Antonio Marco Pantaleo
i. New WP
ii. Summary from kick-off meeting organized by EIC

11:30 ~ 13:00 Lunch

13:00 ~ 16:00 technical section (including 30 minutes’ coffee break):
Science and engineering contribution to EPOCH
15-20 minutes’ presentation for each partner, including discussion.
Suggested order (mainly based on Alphabetic order, while it is possible to have flexible timeslot):
Unime, Delft, Hydrogenious, Aalto, Nextchem, TUM, LTU

18:00 Dinner (optional)